Thursday, June 25, 2009

Socrates dream

About his final dream Socrates says, "I thought I saw the fair form of a beautiful woman approaching me, clothed in bright raiment, and she called to me, saying, 'O Socrates, the third day hence to cloddy Phthia shalt thou come!'" This dream is analyzed at length by von Franz and includes an interesting reference to Socrates' birth day, the 6th day of Thargelia. This day was dedicated to Artemis Eleithya, the many-breasted helper in childbirth (a midwife). An earlier custom on this day, as well, was the sacrifice of the pharmakoi, two particularly ugly and misshapen individuals who were scapegoated in ritual for the community. Is it just a coincidence, then, that the ugly and misshapen "midwife" Socartes was also sacrificed?

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